Our values are uniquely ours. Sometimes we can identify them easily, and sometimes we need a little help. Knowing our values and finding work that aligns with our values is critical for happiness and job satisfaction. If you’re not sure what your values are, or what your right work situation is, there are techniques like mining for values that might help.
In this episode of Evolving Working, Catherine Morgan and Susan Eckstein talk to Angie Rome Gonzalez about the importance of living your values at work. Gonzalez is a certified professional life coach through Coaches Training Institute who has been coaching clients for 16 years, and is currently partnering with Point A to Point B Transitions Inc. to serve clients more deeply.
How do your values show up at work? If you like to build deep relationships with customers, you may not feel comfortable in a company with a transactional business model. Instead, you may prefer a company that builds deep relationships with customers and considers the lifetime value of a customer.
It’s not a right or wrong thing, it’s just about alignment.