Entrepreneur to Employee Re-Launch Sequence™
We have developed a proven system for helping founders transition from entrepreneur to employee.
Because our clients are confident in their best skills, the value they bring, and where they fit, they are able to identify and land ideal positions at great organizations.

Here’s how the magic happens.
We hear our clients say things like this:
- I’m tired of being the CEO and the janitor.
- I’m tired of having to continually find clients AND serve those clients.
- I’m tired of having an unpredictable revenue stream.
- I’m tired of having to hound clients for payment, and struggling with cash flow issues – even when business is good.
- I’m tired of working alone.
- I can’t separate from my business.
- I don’t feel like I can take a vacation.
- My partner is getting fed up with how much time my business takes.
We then look deeply at our clients’ present situation, best skills, and previous work experience to determine the right fit for them – personally and professionally.
Once we land on what their right next step is, we map a path for them to get there.
And, we support them every step of the way.

We understand because we’ve been there
In 2007, after five years of having her own marketing consulting business, Catherine Morgan (now the president of Point A to Point B Transitions Inc.) decided to go back to corporate.
She wasn’t just tired of running her business, she was exhausted.
She knew she liked working at global consultancies. In fact, those were the only times in her career she felt like she fit.
So, she targeted consulting organizations.
In the process, she learned how to talk about her experience as an entrepreneur, and get past hiring managers’ objections.
She landed a position at Deloitte.
She stayed there for three years before leaving to found Point A to Point B Transitions in 2010.
You can book a complimentary 1-on-1 Career Strategy Session with Catherine Morgan via this link.
We have deconstructed the entrepreneur to employee process
Phase One – Strong Foundation
As an entrepreneur trying to reenter the workforce, there are some critical pieces that need to be in place before you begin reaching out to your network and applying for positions:
- You need to have a resume that clearly shows what you have been doing and what you learned while running your business.
- You need an updated LinkedIn profile with a headline that has your desired titles and industry experience. And a compelling summary of what you’ve done and are looking to do.
- You need to be able to concisely tell someone what situation you’re looking for so they know who to connect you to.
- You need to come to peace with folding or leaving your business.
- You need to know what positions fit your current life situation – and what types of positions won’t work for you.
One size never did fit all. Your needs and desired situation will be highly personal.
Phase Two – Initiation
After we’ve worked on your foundation, we will need to address your inner game, including limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. These inner demons can be brutal!
During the Strong Foundation stage, we have gotten to know you personally and professionally.
NOW it’s time to create a strategy and execute on it. Here’s what we’ll do:
- We will work with you on introductory letters, cover letters, and thank-you notes.
- We will help you evaluate your network and prioritize who to reach out to first.
- We will see if there is anyone in our network you should meet.
- We will help you determine the right search terms to uncover your ideal position.
- We will make suggestions for how you should allocate your time.
I chose to work with Catherine because I planned to close my boutique fitness studio and start working as a full-time employee. She knew exactly where I was coming from and understood my reasoning for my decision. She jumped in right away giving me tips and ideas for where and how to find what I was looking for in terms of my next phase of life. She was worth her weight in gold in so many ways. She revised my resume quickly, encouraged me to use any personal contact I had to get an “in” and gave me specific interview coaching for all interviews. I felt confident, supported and did more than I would have if I had been doing this on my own. Catherine understands the entrepreneur transition to working for someone else. I am currently employed full time and so happy. Don’t hesitate to have Catherine assist you!
~ Andrea Klaverkamp
Phase Three – Liftoff
Using a variety of tactics (because different things work for different people), you will gain momentum over time.
Continued, dedicated action leads to conversations, which lead to interviews, which lead to job offers.
Clients have told us that at a certain point they felt like they reached critical mass and everything just started to fall into place.
But here’s the honest truth: Successful career transition is a maddening combination of science, art, and synchronicity.
Luck may be involved as well, but we’ve found that fortune favors the bold, and you can make your own luck.
We will support you throughout the process
Working through the career transition of entrepreneur to employee will send you on an emotional roller coaster. Guaranteed.
Getting support for this crazy ride is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself.
Catherine Morgan and her team of dedicated professionals will support you every step of the way.
We are committed to your success
We are committed to you and your success. You will get the individual attention and job search tactics you need to have a successful transition.
We have a system that works
We’ve figured this out, and you will benefit by following our proven system.
How long will it take? You should expect to have a job offer within 4-6 months if you work really hard.
Obviously, we can’t guarantee that. We wish we could!
What we can guarantee is that you will feel like you are making progress and will be supported throughout your journey.
We stand by this system, and if you follow the process, it will work for you.
Here’s what the system includes:
Phase One – Strong Foundation
- Perform “You Are Here” intake to look at your current life state
- Discuss peak career events and evaluate your best skills and desires
- Coach you on the way you tell your story
- Fine-tune your lens through which you will evaluate opportunities
- Create a compelling resume that you WANT to send out
- Rework your LinkedIn profile with updated headline and summary
- Prep you for interviews with interview question coaching
- Evaluate any necessary actions for coming to terms with your decision to exit your business
I cannot recommend Catherine enough. She has been a Coach, an Advocate for my goals, a Sherpa navigating unfamiliar scary terrain and a Friend.
We worked together to polish my presentation and branding, and created a concise professional story to help hiring managers understand my value.
After we reworked my resume, I felt like I could conquer the world.
~ Christine E. Beck (on LinkedIn)
Phase Two – Initiation
- Develop a customized strategy for your job search
- Test search terms and keywords to return the right positions
- Help you write drafts for introduction letters, cover letters, thank-you notes
- Create a list of colleagues, former bosses, and vendors to contact
- Compile a list of 20 companies you would love to work for
- Introduce you to any appropriate contacts we have
- Identify any association, industry, professional groups, etc. with meetings you should attend
Phase Three – Liftoff
- Adjust strategy, as needed
- Support you through the emotional ups and downs
- Address any new emotional issues, including imposter syndrome
- Debrief on conversations and interviews
- Suggest appropriate timing for following up on conversations and interviews
- Critique opportunities and job descriptions
- Evaluate job offers
This is a high-touch program, providing personal support for you and your situation.

We work with driven professionals
We have worked with all levels of professionals in various industries, and through many different kinds of transitions.
The common thing about our clients is they are DRIVEN to make a change.
Our clients are highly motivated individuals who want a plan, and know it will take hard work to get great results.
Our clients are self-aware and willing to talk about the tough stuff so they can manage against these issues.
Our clients don’t complain and blame. They glean the lessons they need to learn and move on.
Our clients have experienced coaching, mentoring, or therapy and know how to take direction.
If this is you, we’d love to work with you.
You can book a complimentary 1-on-1 Career Strategy Session with Catherine Morgan via this link.
Check out more rave reviews from thrilled clients here on LinkedIn.
How much does this cost?
Entrepreneur to Employee Career Transition support is $3,000
+ 10 hours of time with Catherine Morgan
+ 3 hours of time with Angie Rome Gonzalez
+ Updated Resume and LinkedIn Profile
- Resume development and LinkedIn update by Catherine Morgan ($747 value)
- Three one-hour sessions with Angie Rome Gonzalez to work on limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, necessary mindset shifts, etc. ($450 value)
- One one-hour Career Strategy session with Catherine Morgan. ($297 value)
- One one-hour Interview Question Coaching session with Catherine Morgan. ($297 value)
- Eight 30-minute sessions with Catherine Morgan for individual questions ($997 value)
- Complimentary LinkedIn messaging with Catherine Morgan for quick guidance around job descriptions, cover letters, and job search strategy. (Priceless)