Business, Bourbon & Blues Review – Raising the Bar on Relationship Building

It’s who you know. It always has been. Relationships are THE critical part of business success, and in today’s overly connected world, they’ve never been more important. Book smarts and business sense won’t cut it. If you suck at relationships, you can’t achieve your goals or true potential.

So there’s no better time than now to raise the bar on your relationship-building skills.

Take 60 minutes to learn:

  • How to develop strong, meaningful business relationships that last
  • How NOT to start a conversation…or better ways to start conversations than “So, what do you do?”
  • How to turn on the connection – and how not to turn it off
  • How you can sustain relationships in person and virtually
  • How you can reach out and grow business relationships on social media
  • How social media can deepen your business relationships (but no poking)
  • Why collaboration is the cherry on top
  • Why you need to get past the scarcity mindset

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Best Year Ever! Teleclass (two sessions)

Best Year Ever!
How to SET and ACHIEVE the Goals You Really Want in the New Year

Ready to make some BIG changes?  Not sure where to start? We did this series in 2011 and got a lot of great feedback – so we decided to bring it back again this year.

Join Career Transition Coach and Business Consultant Catherine Morgan for this F*REE, two-session teleclass and discover the keys to setting and achieving the goals you really want in 2013.

Thanks Catherine!  The teleclass was both enlightening and interesting last night – I’ve never really experienced / been exposed to goal setting like that before. ~ W.T. Chicago, IL

Why a Teleclass?

Because it is interactive, informative and fun.  A teleclass is just like attending  a workshop, but instead of driving, parking and making sure your hair is combed, all you need are two free hours and a phone!  This teleclass meets for two consecutive weeks, one hour each week.  See below for dates and times.  Continue reading