Best Year Ever!
How to SET and ACHIEVE the Goals You Really Want in the New Year
Ready to make some BIG changes? Not sure where to start? We did this series in 2011 and got a lot of great feedback – so we decided to bring it back again this year.
Join Career Transition Coach and Business Consultant Catherine Morgan for this F*REE, two-session teleclass and discover the keys to setting and achieving the goals you really want in 2013.
Thanks Catherine! The teleclass was both enlightening and interesting last night – I’ve never really experienced / been exposed to goal setting like that before. ~ W.T. Chicago, IL
Why a Teleclass?
Because it is interactive, informative and fun. A teleclass is just like attending a workshop, but instead of driving, parking and making sure your hair is combed, all you need are two free hours and a phone! This teleclass meets for two consecutive weeks, one hour each week. See below for dates and times.
In this two-week teleclass you will:
- Identify the goals you really want and are most likely to achieve!
- Create your own personalized 3 Step Success Strategy.
- Get into action and create huge momentum to keep on going.
- Learn 4 easy ways to overcome any obstacle that arises.
- And much, much more!
Isn’t it time to go for the things you really want in your life?
Don’t miss this opportunity to start the New Year off RIGHT!
The call was definitely a positive one and definitely got me thinking. Thank you for inviting me and I look forward to next week’s conversation. ~ R.M Iowa City, IA
Teleclass – Best Year Ever!
Tuesday, January 8 and
Tuesday, January 15
8:00 PM Eastern
7:00 PM Central
6:00 PM Mountain
5:00 PM Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
Reserve Your Spot Now Here <~ click link for form
You will be given the telephone conference call number and other important details about how to get the most out of your teleclass experience upon registration.
It was a great class! Bravo!! ~ G.C. Short Hills, NJ
For more information call: 877.672.5333
or e-mail:
Very much enjoyed the phone call. It was a good experience and I am glad I decided to follow through. ~ M.R. Chicago, IL
About Catherine:
Catherine Morgan is the founder of Point A to Point B Transitions Inc., a virtual provider of coaching services to individuals who are looking to grow successful services businesses such as consulting or coaching practices. She is a business consultant to consultants. She also works with professionals in career transition, helping them to find the right opportunities.
Catherine has a deep background in the financial services and professional services industries with a focus on technology. She has been employed by KPMG, Arthur Andersen, and Deloitte. Through her own company she was a project employee for Protiviti, Navigant Consulting, and Resources Global. She graduated from Vassar College with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She has been coaching clients through job, life, and business transitions for more than 15 years.
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