It was my absolute joy to share some of my hard-won knowledge about low-cost and no-cost marketing strategies with fellow business bootstrappers at The Shift coworking space in Chicago last Thursday.
I realize that I don’t cover small business topics that much on this blog. (I usually do it on Carol Roth’s blog, Business Unplugged.)
But I LOVE helping small business owners. And I have learned a lot over the past five years.
What a great group we had! Everyone participated and seemed to get a lot out of it. Here’s what we talked about:
Marketing Your Biz on a Bootstrapper’s Budget.
(A Big Bang for Small Bucks.)
Tactic 1: Blogging Strategies
Why you should have a blog
- Thought leadership
- SEO (you can contact an internet marketing agency toronto to learn more about this)
- Site ranking
Why you should guest blog
- Get in front of people you don’t know
- Get additional exposure
- Build relationships and referral sources
Why you should use LinkedIn Pulse
- For some businesses, more valuable than your blog
- Can repost content you have published elsewhere
- Worried about “duplicate content penalty”? (Hint: Don’t be.) Here’s how to do it right
Tactic 2: Social Media
When social media is a giant time suck
- When you are spending hours on your personal social media, not your business’s
- Do what I say, not what I did – my face-plant moment
How to get value from social media
- Have a social media strategy that is tied in with your marketing plan
- Know where your ideal clients hang out so you can get your message in front of them and go to this website to buy views and likes
- Be helpful! (Note: using social media solely as advertising will not work.)
Tactic 3: Referrals
How to get in the habit of asking for referrals
- Add asking for referrals into your sales process
How to make it easy for others to refer you
- Have a clear “who and do what” statement – who do you work with and what do you do for them?
- Have a very specific “ask” – and just ask for one thing (even if you can do lots of things)
Tactic 4: Content Strategies
How to come up with ideas
- What questions do prospects always ask?
- What questions do you wish they would ask?
- Keep a running list of ideas you have when reading, watching TV, taking a walk, etc.
- HubSpot blog title generator
- Chris Brogan’s “100 Blog Topics for Your Business” pdf
- Interview people and get their ideas about a topic
How to reuse existing content in new ways
- Break blog posts into short topics and make short videos around one point
- Break up points in blog posts for social media posts
- Have videos or podcasts transcribed and then turn them into blog posts
- Consolidate blog posts into an eBook or tips sheet to use as a giveaway to get signups
Why you need to promote your content MORE and create LESS
- Creating content takes time, promote it so that people see it (Pro tip: You’ll need to promote things WAY more than you think you will.)
- It’s not an “if you build it they will come” thing
Tactic 5: Influencers
How to find influencers
- Social media
- Commenting on their blogs
- In-person events
How to reach out to influencers
- Be respectful!
- Don’t ask for anything immediately
How to build and maintain relationships with influencers
- Continue to engage with them over time
- Take online relationships offline, when possible
- Please flip through my deck on this: “Engaging Influencers or Schmoozing for Success”
Tactic 6: Podcasting and/or Video
How to get past the fear of hearing/seeing yourself
- Know that pretty much everyone hates hearing/seeing themselves
- Over time, you become desensitized – and hopefully better, too
- Practice, practice, practice
- In short, get over it
- Follow my friend Lou Bortone – he’ll get you going
How to have fun creating content
- Be yourself
- Be funny
- Be authentic and share your story and your challenges
- Share your knowledge
Tactic 7: Speaking
How speaking for free can generate leads and help you get clients
- Many (most?) groups and meetings book speakers
- Paid speaking gigs are a separate business, but free gigs are easy to get
How to find free speaking gigs
- Ask the organizer of groups you attend
- Ask for referrals from your network
- Try local libraries, chambers, Rotary Club meetings, etc. (Note: IF those people might be clients.)
- Do a class for Dabble, or your coworking space like this event 🙂
- Sign up for
Bonus: Insider Tips
How to be seen – and feel like – an expert
- Create a body of work – blog posts, tips sheets, interviews, eBooks, podcasts, videos
- Have a professional look and feel – logo, website – doesn’t have to cost a lot!
- Are you new? Surround yourself with smart, established people
- Collaborate with people who do complementary – and SIMILAR – things
- Try to get mentioned in the media
- Sign up for HARO and other services
- Read “Got a Media Mention? Now Do the Important Things” by me on Business Unplugged
Great article Catherine!
Really good point about promoting content more and creating less.
Instead of creating lots of small pieces of content, I like to create one epic piece and promote it like crazy.
I get much better results that way.
These days there’s so much content around your stuff must be really outstanding to get people’s attention.