SCORE and Sam’s Club Spring Training 2016

SCORE and Sam's ClubIt was so fun to be part of the sales strategies for small business panel at the SCORE and Sam’s Club Spring Training event on April 26. I was thrilled to be able to address the issues of solo service professionals.

About 250-300 attendees joined us at the conference center in Tinley Park. My colleague, Carol Roth, was the emcee and rocked the stage in a truly fabulous dress similar to this silver sequin prom dress here.

Carol Roth at SCORE Spring Training

The moderator of the sales strategies panel was my friend Mark E. Goodman of e-Conversation Solutions, who was able to talk to small and mid-sized businesses of various types.

My fellow panelist was a concrete manufacturer who talked about owning trucks and pricing out concrete driveways. Surprisingly, he and I were completely in sync about sales and customer service best practices. We complemented each other perfectly.

You’ll be proud to know that I avoided an obvious comment about cement shoes (which probably would have been well received in the Chicago area) as I was on my best behavior.

It was a great time and the audience was very engaged, asking a lot of good questions.

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