We Are 12 Going On 13

Photo by Zhen Hu on Unsplash

I can’t believe it, but I am starting on year 13 of having my own business, Point A to Point B Transitions Inc.

I won’t lie – it’s been a rocky road with some giant potholes and landmines, and while it sometimes feels like I have been doing this forever, some days it seems like a brand-new adventure.

What has changed over the years? My confidence in getting great results for the clients I am meant to serve is unshakable. I am proud to share I have an enviable success rate of getting driven professionals back to work (even after years in transition).

For better or for worse, I have always judged the success of the business by the results I get clients, and not on revenue.

I have taken pro bono clients when I didn’t have enough revenue coming in because I knew I could help them and it seemed like bad karma not to help.

I have taken time off when I was cooked, but really needed to be doing business development.

I have invested in coaching or training when I didn’t have the money many times. Sometimes this worked out very well, and sometimes it was a total waste.

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend anyone else do any of these.

However, here are some things I would recommend:

  • Follow your curiosity – what is interesting or exciting?
  • Try to make things fun (yes, even the boring or scary things)
  • Connect with other entrepreneurs and support each other
  • Invest in yourself, but don’t use training as a block
  • Take a nap if you need it (you’ll be more productive later)
  • Interact with people who are further along than you are
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out to famous people
  • Refer clients who aren’t ideal for you to someone else

The idea of being a solopreneur and digital nomad was incredibly appealing to me when I started. All of my personal stuff was in storage for years as I spent time in Chicago, Palm Springs, Los Angeles, and New York.

Now, I find I get totally sparked by partnering with other professionals for webinars or media projects. When I partner with someone, I actually do the thing I was talking about because I won’t let them down AND I usually have to up my game because I know some super-smart people.

Over the years I’ve learned to give myself permission to stop doing things that flat-line my energy or trigger anxiety, even if they can bring in revenue. I have mostly stopped doing resumes because I am tired of fighting with people. In some cases, I need to do a resume for a client (usually an entrepreneur to employee), but in many cases, I will refer the client to someone else and sleep better that night.

In short, your business is YOURS, and you get to decide what you do and who you want to work with.

That’s probably one of the reasons you started your business in the first place.