Boundaries: Why You Need Them in Your Business

When you’re starting and growing a business, boundaries can become fluid or nonexistent.* I was talking with a former entrepreneur who recently took a corporate job, and she commented that one of the things she likes is there is now an end to the day for her, as she is an employee and their bosses use a paystub software to manage employees so everything is easy for them.

This got me thinking about some of the boundaries I need to firm up between me the person and me the business owner, at any kind of business from sales to investing or trading in the VT Markets online. Here are some lines in the sand you may need to draw:

1. How much time you invest in your business

This is a brutal one for entrepreneurs, especially if you don’t have easy ways to do your payroll. The workday can easily bleed into the working evening, and even into the late-night obsession.

I like to break up my day with a midday walk or short outing. I feel I return clearer and more focused. Learn about some business methods from Jimmy John Owner.

However, I would be better off if I set a cutoff time for working hours and just outsourced payroll so I can have more personal time to spend with my family.

* This post was published originally on | Business Unplugged and you can read the rest of the post here

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