In my year-end post for 2021 I described 2020 as “WTF,” 2021 as “FFS,” and predicted 2022 would be categorized by “WTAF.” It turns out my prediction was correct. And I thought 2020 and 2021 sucked…
“With all the mounting crises the world has faced during 2022, it’s perhaps no surprise that Collins Dictionary chose the word permacrisis—a term describing an extended period of instability and insecurity—as their word of the year. The term ‘perfectly embodies the dizzying sense of lurching from one unprecedented event to another, as we wonder bleakly what new horrors might be around the corner, according to Guardian editor David Shariatmadari.” (Link)
My year got off to a very rocky start.
On December 30, 2021, I had a bad reaction to the COVID booster, a 103 degree fever, and my immune system crashed when my downstairs neighbors, Cheech and Chong, threw Bong Fest 2022 in our smoke-free building on New Year’s Eve. I thought I was going to die and I couldn’t go to the ER because there were no beds due to the Delta and Omicron surge.
I woke up on January 1 not wanting to be here – in my apartment, business, or life.
This led to a spiritual crisis, breakdown, and burnout that took weeks to claw my way out of.
The rest of the year had to get better, right?
Ummm… Sort of…

I had to move out of my apartment that I absolutely loved in the middle of the Omicron surge with gas prices doubling and skyrocketing inflation. I have great apartment luck and was able to find a new place that was cheaper – but moving was insanely expensive and stressful in the extreme.
I gave up on unpacking fully after the first month and still have boxes in the closets six months later.
I had the absolute joy of working with some amazing clients this year. We were coming out of the pandemic, some clients had lost jobs and partners, and everyone was struggling to get back on track.
One client needed to leave a toxic work environment after more than 15 years of service. They shared that they had only ever wanted to work for one organization since they were 16 years old. That was a very big goal, but amazingly, they received an offer from that organization and started working there this summer.
Drawing and Painting
While I wasn’t very inspired, given the insanity of running my business, packing, moving, and sort of unpacking, I did manage to do some drawings and paintings that I am quite proud of – and I even got my first commission! (See more art here.)

Finishing This Isn’t Working! Book
But somehow in the middle of this chaos I managed to finish my book, This Isn’t Working! Evolving the Way We Work to Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and Depression.
My publisher didn’t feel the urgency I felt about releasing my book at the end of October. As I write this at the end of December 2022, I still don’t have the exact release date, but we are very close. (Likely late January 2023. Fingers crossed.)
The good news is the designer did an incredible job and I am beyond thrilled with the way it looks. I can’t wait to get my baby out into the world.
I started partnering with certified life coach Angie Rome Gonzalez. She is a wonderful coach and a beautiful human. It is stressful not having a backup as a solo professional. Angie co-facilitates my job search coaching group and also does some individual coaching on negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, and values with clients.

Evolving Working Podcast
I did a video interview series, the Evolving Working podcast, with women’s empowerment expert Susan Eckstein, which was probably the highlight of this year. Susan and I had a blast talking to great professionals. She is so good on camera, and while I am very comfortable being on camera and interviewing people, she made me bring my A game. SO fun.
Going into 2023, all I am thinking about is promoting my book and getting booked as a guest on podcasts. If you know someone who has a podcast in the career, entrepreneur, or mental health space, please introduce me.
I am also looking for corporate sponsors and companies or groups to partner with on events. The way we’re working isn’t working for many (most?) people and we need to evolve working so it works for all of us.
Below is the 2-minute explainer video for the book.
I can’t tell you how exciting it was to see my book in printed form for the first time. Writing a book takes an ungodly long time, compared to any other type of content creation. I felt compelled to do an unboxing video. As you can see, I am overjoyed.
Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023.
Let’s hope it’s a good one.