This Isn’t Working! I Need Your Help. 

Photo by Matthew Waring on Unsplash

This Isn’t Working! Evolving the Way We Work to Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and Depression was published by Indigo River Publishing on January 30, 2023. It achieved the launch success I hoped for on Amazon. The print book and the eBook reached #1 in different categories.

And I got an author page on Simon & Schuster, who is the book’s distributor. 

I was able to get great blurbs from some well-known authors and other thought leaders, and also endorsements from HR and DEI professionals.

In addition, I got myself booked on national and international podcasts. 

I hit a cadence of social media posts and created compelling video content, which my PR colleagues praised. 

As I write this, it’s September 8, 2023 and my book has a 4.8 rating on Amazon with 25 five-star reviews and one two-star review with no text, so I have no idea what that person didn’t like. 

Financially, the book has been successful. I have gotten several clients from it and people have told me the content is extremely helpful. Several have said they have referred back to certain sections, which is an author’s dream.

I need to make a big PR push because this book is needed even more now. 

Coming out of the pandemic, things haven’t gotten better. In fact, some aspects of the workplace have gotten worse. 

In the State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report by Gallup, they reported nearly everyone is “quiet quitting” or are disengaged. This is costing companies a fortune. Gallup reports, “Nearly six in 10 employees fell into this category. When combined with actively disengaged employees, low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion dollars, or 9% of global GDP.”

In addition, professionals are reporting more stress on the job. Gallup reports, “Worldwide, 44% of employees said they experienced a lot of stress the previous day. This is the second year in a row worker stress reached record levels.”

And entrepreneurs and startup founders aren’t doing any better. According to the 7th Edition of the Startup Snapshot released this year, “The startup grind takes a major toll on founder mental health – 44% high stress, 36% burnout, 37% anxiety, 13% depression, 10% panic attacks.”

I wrote a book about this, but my book can’t help people if they don’t know about it. 

So, I need you to help me reach the people who need this book. I need book reviews, connections, and funding. 

  • I need at least 50 reviews on Amazon for the book to be taken seriously. 
  • I need to speak for book clubs, networking groups, ERGs, small business and startup events, women’s groups, etc. 
  • I need to get booked on more podcasts and shows to get in front of other people’s communities.
  • I need money to run Facebook and Amazon ads to get the book in front of a wider audience. 
  • I would love to be connected to a potential commercial sponsor – Thrive Global, Headspace, Talkspace, Calm, or other. 
  • I need people to step up and be a Pillar for this work. Scroll to the bottom to learn more about that.

Can you help with any of this? 

Can you write a verified Amazon review, meaning you do it from your actual order on Amazon? 

Can you introduce me to someone who books speakers for groups or events? I am a professional speaker who is skilled in virtual and in-person presentations (and panel moderation). 

I’ve even given a TEDx talk in 2015, which I eventually built out into this book. 

Can you arrange a “meet the author” event for friends or colleagues virtually or in person? 

Can you contribute some $ to help me get the word out? – any amount will help!
(Or Zelle my cell phone or email)

Are you able to help in a bigger way? Consider becoming a Pillar. If you understand how desperately this message is needed in the world, please consider donating $1,000 to helping me get the word out. Because Point A to Point B Transitions Inc. is an S Corp, it is not tax deductible, but you will be part a change that is sorely needed. Once a month I will send you an update about the impact we are making.

This is a huge problem and it will take a village to fix it. The way we are working isn’t working for most people and this is not sustainable. I have the ability to facilitate these difficult conversations. I have a book filled with suggestions for how we can fix this. But I need your help. 

Thank you!