I was excited to re-launch Talking About Transitions with Chris Eh Young as my guest. We talk about his career transition, small business strategy, and why getting laid off can be an amazing opportunity to reassess what you want to do with your career and your life.
Chris Eh Young is an event speaker, small business strategist, simplifier, and reluctant superhero. Through his company, B2CY Connection Solutions, he provides social media management, training, and consulting. His mission is to save small businesses from themselves. Chris is the guy who can take your boring, bland, cookie cutter marketing and make it work. He also helps make your phone ring, your inbox full, and your social media rock.
I recently gave a new talk titled, “Re-Launch You: Liftoff After Layoff.” So many people in the audience came up to me after to tell me how important the topic was. Chris was kind enough to sense-check my deck before I gave the talk and was the perfect person to bring on the show to discuss my new framework.