Interviewed on The Shut Up Show with Berni Xiong and Phil Gerbyshak

This video interview was pure joy for me. It was a veritable love fest talking with my dear friend and client Phil Gerbyshak, and the fabulous Berni Xiong. Phil and Berni are two professionals I greatly admire.

The Shut Up Show is for entrepreneurs (or intrapreneurs) who are trying to do big things and need to get past fear and negative self talk. Basically, this show will help you to tell those unhelpful voices inside your head to (wait for it) shut up!

Nobody likes to admit the stupid things they have done in their business, but it’s my – and their – hope that we can all learn and grow from other people’s mistakes.

So I hope you will check out Catherine Morgan Helps Us Get from Point A to Point B – Episode 20. The show notes Berni put together are hilarious! And the video interview was a blast.