September Updates – Enjoying the Changes

Fall has been a flurry of activity and change here at Point A to Point B. September has, literally, flown by. As expected, things started to really pick up as everyone realized that summer was over and it was time to get back to work.

Moderating the “Marketing Magic” panel at the Chicago City Treasurer’s Small Business Entrepreneur Expo on October 4, 2013
My very popular friend Carol Roth was a little TOO popular and was accidentally booked to moderate two panels at the same time. She opted to keep the Shark Tank one, and I am stepping in to moderate Marketing Magic (1:45-2:30 PM). Being the editorial director for Carol’s award-winning blog, Business Unplugged, does have some privileges. This is an exciting, high-profile opportunity for me! Here is the expo link.

NEW – Interviews from the Other Side of the Desk
I will be posting another interview soon with my friend Sarah Thompson who will be explaining how she went through a recent hiring process – who made the cut and why, who she interviewed, etc. It will be an insider’s look at the hiring process. 

If you missed the first one, this was great: Other Side of the Desk: Julye Berry. Julye has more than 25 years of experience in all aspects of the human resources function and gives the inside scoop on what not to do, and what a successful candidate should do when interviewing for a position.

Spoiler alert: Acing the Interview video course is coming soon
I am in the middle of creating a video training course based on my Acing the Interview talk, which has gotten rave reviews. The course will be posted on Udemy’s online platform and will be appropriate for most professionals. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, and this course will definitely help you to do just that.

New on the TDS blog
I shared some egg-on-my-face moments in my latest post on the TDS blog Ooops! How to bounce back after a mistake.

Getting around – upcoming speaking gigs
Tri-City Unemployment Group (TUG)
Talk: TBD
10/28/2013 – St. Charles, IL USA

Career Stimulus program – Harper Professional Center (Harper College)
Talk: Acing the Interview (1.5-hour workshop)
10/16/2013 – Schaumburg, IL USA

Jewish Executive Networking Group
Talk: Acing the Interview (1-hour workshop)
10/03/2013 – Glencoe, IL USA

Feeling social?
Please “like” the Facebook Fan Page, connect with me on LinkedIn, or follow me on Twitter or Google+.

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