July Updates – Re-Launch You

This week I have two speaking engagements! I love talking to groups more than anything. Both groups booked me for what has become my signature talk: Re-Launch You: Liftoff After Layoff. I re-frame career transition as a time of opportunity, and a time for reassessment.

I talk about the mindset needed for a successful transition. After I speak, participants always come over to thank me for covering the emotional aspects of career transition and job search, which are critical but often neglected.

In addition, I am reworking the focus of Point A to Point B Transitions Inc. going forward. I will continue to work with a select group of clients one on one, but more time will be spent speaking and selling educational products. Details to follow..stay tuned.

Prize inside! Special offer on my most popular service

Accountability for both job seekers and entrepreneurs is my most popular service by far. Through my client and good friend, Phil Gerbyshak, you can save $200 for the first month of Secret Sauce Sessions. (Clients rave about this service.) Check out my post Accountability: Why We All Need to Have It.

On the radio
Chamber Chatter with Donna Saul on WCHE 1520 AM (Philadelphia area)
Thriving After Layoff (30-minute interview)

The Noon Show with Carol Roth on WGN AM 720 (Chicago)
To-Do: Be Productive (double segment interview with listener call-in)

New on the TDS corporate blog

I think the concept of Work-Life Balance sets us up for failure and I propose a different paradigm in Work-Life Balance is a scam. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. We had a great conversation on my personal Facebook page.

I also shared some speaking best practices in Business presentations: 7 pro tips for success.

New on CarolRoth.com | Business Unplugged

My role with Business Unplugged has changed slightly. I am now the editorial director (instead of the community manager). We are always looking for a few good bloggers. If you write content for the small business or solo business space and would like to write a guest post for Carol’s blog, reply and let me know. I’ll be happy to send you the blog guidelines.

Getting around – upcoming speaking gigs

Jewish Executive Networking Group
Re-Launch You: Liftoff After Layoff (1-hour talk)
Glencoe, IL

Career Renewal Group – Holy Cross Church
Re-Launch You: Liftoff After Layoff (1-hour talk)
Deerfield, IL <~ Yes, Sunday. Not a typo!

Career Resource Center
Re-Launch You: Liftoff After Layoff (1-hour talk)
Lake Forest, IL

Feeling social? 

Please “like” the Facebook Fan Page, connect with me on LinkedIn, or follow me on Twitter or Google+.

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